Impedance planimetry


Endoflip™ is a comprehensive system that visualizes and measures the gastroesophageal junction during endoscopic and surgical procedures – accurate measurement of pressures and dimensions in the esophagus to help detect functional disorders. Impedance planimetry evaluates the symptoms of motility disorders during exercise that minimally burdens the patient.


  • Minimally invasive approach in real-time diagnostics
  • Wide range of posibilities for use
  • Various size options for balloon catheters
  • Real-time measurement
  • Easy to use


Real-time measurements of pressures and dimensions in the esophagus help to identify serious motility disorders not only for gastroenterologists, but also for surgeons.
Together with Flip™ topography, the Endoflip™ 2.0 system conveniently complements high-resolution manometry (HRM) and other diagnostic methods.
The Esoflip™ balloon catheter is connected to the Endoflip™ impedance planimetry system and provides controlled dilation of strictures without the need for fluoroscopy. A comprehensive view of the esophagus allows accurate measurement of strictures before and after each stage of balloon dilation. Allows balloon dilation to be performed slowly and in a controlled manner.
Esoflip™ balloon catheters dilate the gastroesophageal junction, dilate esophageal strictures, locate esophageal strictures more easily, measure recoil after dilation, control balloon catheter movement.

gastroenterology | hepatogastroenterology | endoscopy


#endoflip #esoflip #medtronic #impedanceplanimetry #topography

Richard Uhlíř


imaging probes

REF Product name Description Packaging
EF-325N Endoflip™ EF-325N Catheter functional imaging probe – measuring zone length 80 mm (GEJ, pylorus) 1 ks
EF-322N Endoflip™ EF-322N Catheter functional imaging probe – measuring zone length 160 mm (GEJ) 1 ks