Confocal laser endomicroscopy – new generation


Probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (pCLE) is a microscopic system providing detailed microscopic images of internal human tissue in real-time during endoscopic and surgical procedures.


  • A minimally invasive approach with real-time diagnostics
  • A wide spectrum of use across medical branches
  • An interconnected worldwide network of users
  • Easy to use with a steep learning curve
  • On-line education, atlas of findings and the option of expanding your training
  • Reduced number of biopsies
  • More accurate biopsies with a higher yield-rate


gastroenterology | otorhinolaryngology | pulmonology | surgery | neurosurgery | urology | gynaecology

Advanced Cellvizio technology helps focus on biopsies using the smallest flexible microscope in the world and provides physicians with microscopic images of tissue in real-time and in a minimally invasive manner. Cellvizio is currently used in over 40 countries, at 600 clinics worldwide.

Thanks to Confocal Miniprobes™ Cellvizio is compatible with all types of flexible endoscope and provides in-vivo video sequences of the cellular and vascular micro-architecture of the internal structures of human tissue on direct contact.


#pcle #cellvizio #llaserconfocalendomicroposcopy #mkt #gastroenterology #surgery #ent #pulmonology #urology #neurosurgery #gynaecology

Richard Uhlíř

Sales agent for the Czech Republic and Slovakia
+420 724 979 234 |


Confocal probes

Order code Name Description Number of uses
MP-009-HDG GastroFlex™ UHD probe for EGD examination in Ultra High Definition 20
MP-006-HDC ColoFlex™ UHD sonda pro vyšetření střeva během koloskopie v Ultra High Definition 20
MP-003-CHF CholangioFlex™ probe for ERCP examination 10
MP-0010-AGF AQ-Flex™ 19 probe for nCLE (needle confocal laser endomicroscopy) of the pancreatic procedure 10
MP-002-AF3 AlveoFlex™ probe for use in pulmonology during bronchoscopy 10
MP-002-AF3 UroFlex™ For examination in the field of urology, particularly the urinary bladder 10