New generation of intracranial parameters monitoring
RAUMED NeuroSmart
A complex system for monitoring, recording, and analyzing intracranial parameters, especially intracranial pressure (ICP), intracranial temperature (ICT), and partial pressure of oxygen (ptiO2) in target brain tissue.
Also newly calculated is the pressure reactivity index (PRx), the oxygen reactivity index (OPx) and the optimal cerebral perfusion pressure (CCPopt).
The device also displays arterial pressure (ART) and central venous pressure (CVP) values.
- both cable and telemetry measurements
- display of ICP, ICT, ptiO2, arterial pressure (ART), central venous pressure (CVP) and amplitudes
- acoustic and visual alarms selectable in settings
- battery or mains operation
- mobility
- long-term storage of measured values
- wide range of Neurovent microchip catheters
Timely and accurate monitoring of intracranial parameters is crucial for workplaces providing neurointensive care, especially ARO departments, neurointensive ICU and stroke units.
A complex approach to the treatment of craniotraumas, cerebrovascular accidents and other intracranial pathologies can no longer be done without a detailed assessment of the development of intracranial parameters and self-regulatory mechanisms of the brain, which play a key role in the management of treatment and the prognosis of the development of the patient’s condition.
#neuromoniting #brain #TBI #SAK #ICP #braintrauma #poranenimozku #ictus #CMP #brainedema